Can you love two people at the same time?

? We assume love comes in one flavor, but it’s really much more Baskin Robbins than that. In other words, chocolate chip mint and strawberry are different, but they’re both damn good. If only love were as easy as ice cream. We are complex and complicated beings, and it’s very possible that two different traits…

आज़ादी: एक युवा सोच!

साल में ३६५ दिन में से एक या दो दिन झंडा फहराने से क्या हम आज़ाद हो जाते हैं?? आपको नहीं लगता कि हमारा यह तरीका कुछ अजीब ही है! मुझे बहुत दुख होता है, ये देख कर की जो लोग साल भर देश और सिस्टम को कोसते फिरते हैं, वो अचानक उन दो दिन…

Old Books

“Some pieces of life, stick so deep in our mind, that when they are gone, they chase us far n long… Yet someday we realise, that memories often decolorize. And just like an old diary, every piece becomes blurry. So close the chapters when they end, Let new ones enter n become ur friend. Coz…

सांवला सा तन

“तू दूधिया सी है, मेरा सांवला सा तन” You are milky white to see while I am dark n dusky “पर अश्कों में तेरे क्यूं मुझ जैसा पागलपन” but I find the same madness in your eyes as mine “तेरे दिल में क्या है ये समझना आज भी मुश्किल है” It is still too tough…

Chains of love

“Love is about attachment, not so easy to gain. The chains which neither let you go, nor it lets you restrain. But if you try to break free, the marks will still remain. The scars on your heart, and the ones in your brain.” Love is about attachment, it is that never ending chain which…

Your touch

  Every touch of yours gives me a memory which sticks to my heart like forever, and everytime I think about you, those memories give me an orgasm which makes me realise who I am.

A short ride!!

I love short rides, specially in a lovely weather. We were about to go to our new house which is about 20 miles away from our present home. As always, I was getting euphorically crazy for that short drive. I had dreamt of having our own house since childhood. Everytime we got a nice crockery…

पहला प्यार

  जब से इश्क को जाना, बस तुम्हारी ही इबादत की है। रुस्वाई तब सीखी, जब मनाने की हर कोशिश की है। यूं तो नहीं हो साथ मेरे, ये अलग बात है‌, मगर भूल सकूं तुम्हें, ऐसे ही नहीं ये मोहब्बत की है। शायद कोई और है लकीरों में, इतना तो पता नहीं, मगर ये…

Breaking my Smartphone Addiction!!

I was addicted to my smartphone!! I checked it in the morning, in the bathroom, in a meeting, at lunch, with friends and even while studying. I was not able to get rid of it, even if I got no alert or notification; I had this annoying impulse of checking my phone every now and then.